Dance Rules
1. Registration and Costume fees are non-refundable.
2. Running in the halls is not permitted.
3. Food and drink is not permitted inside the building after school hours (this includes no gum chewing during class). Violation of this rule can result in dismissal from the program.
4. Students should use the restroom before coming to class.
5. Students are not permitted to be in other areas of the building. Anyone who is found wandering the halls or creating a disruption will be given a warning for the first offense. The second offense will result in dismissal from the program. REFUNDS ARE NOT GRANTED FOR DISMISSALS.
6. Children are to be escorted to the class by parents and picked up at the same location. PLEASE BE PROMPT. No child will be allowed to leave the class unless a parent is waiting. For security reasons, the doors to the school will be locked during class times. Please be on time to pick up your child.
7. Inclement Weather – During the week, if public schools are closed for the entire day or close early due to inclement weather, recreation programs scheduled at those sites will not meet.
8. More than 5 unexcused absences from a class could result in dismissal from the recital. Please try to advise your teacher if you know you will be missing a class.
9. PROPER DANCE ATTIRE MUST BE WORN TO ALL CLASSES. No jeans, large shirts, jewelry, constrictive clothing, etc. Dance shoes must also be worn to all classes. No stocking feet. Hair should be pulled back away from the face in a pony tail or bun for every class. Please see the Proper Dance Attire Form included with this packet for more details.
10. Problems / Concerns / Questions? Please speak to your child’s instructor. For more information please e-mail us at