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Q:What style and color leotard and tights should my child wear?

A: We do not have requirements on style or color. Your child just needs to wear a leotard, tights and the appropriate shoes.  Please read the Dance Attire which elaborate on what the children need to wear.



Q: What style and color ballet/tap/jazz shoe should we purchase?

A:There are no requirements on style. Pink Ballet slippers should be worn for ballet and Creative Movement, black tap shoes must be worn for tap classes (no heels) and black jazz shoes must be worn for jazz.  The 4 and 5 year old tap classes should wear sneakers or rubber soled shoes for the first 15-20 minutes of class for warm up.  



Q:Where can I find dance shoes and attire? 

A:The Dance Stop in North East and County Ballet Dance Shop has a selection of shoes in all sizes. Also check out Curtain Call for Class, Dance Distributors (on line), and Target to name a few.



Q:Does my child need to be potty trained to participate?

A:No. However if your child needs assistance we ask that you stay nearby the classroom to assist your child or change his/her diaper.



Q:Do classes run if Harford County Public Schools are closed?

A:No. We follow the Harford County Public Schools schedule for all holidays and school closings.  **See inclement weather policy



Q:What if Harford County Public Schools are delayed due to weather?

A:As long as they re-open and are not closed for any reason, classes will be held. 

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